Goa Medical College And Hospital


Hospital Statistics from January 2022 to December 2022
Total No. of PatientsAvg pts. per day
OPD Attendance (GMC, RHTC Mandur, UHC St. Cruz, Respiratory Medicine Hospital)4723141574 per day
GMC Casualty registrations63312173 per day
IPD Attendance (GMC, RHTC Mandur, Respiratory Medicine Hospital)78310214 admissions per day
No. of Discharges73800202 discharges per day
IPD Deaths (GMC, RHTC Mandur, Respiratory Medicine Hospital)402311 deaths per day
Average bed occupancy70%
Routine Major Surgeries840028 per OT days
Routine Minor Surgeries304510 per OT days
Emergency Major Surgeries604017 per day
Emergency Minor Surgeries13944 per day
Total No. of Surgeries18879
Hospital Statistics from January 2023 to June 2023
Total No. of PatientsAvg pts. per day
OPD Attendance (GMC, RHTC Mandur, UHC St. Cruz, Respiratory Medicine Hospital)2863841935patients per day
GMC Casualty registrations30281167 patients per day
IPD Attendance (GMC, RHTC Mandur, Respiratory Medicine Hospital)41524229 admissions per day
No. of Discharges39055216 discharges per day
IPD Deaths (GMC, RHTC Mandur, Respiratory Medicine Hospital)206711 deaths per day
Average bed occupancy74%
Routine Major Surgeries470132 per OT days
Routine Minor Surgeries177212 per OT days
Emergency Major Surgeries310317 per day
Emergency Minor Surgeries10346 per day
Total No. of Surgeries10610
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