The Education and Library service goes together. The main function of the Library is the collection and preservation of knowledge for its dissemination to all concerned users. The collection consists of books, journals/periodicals, and other library material.
- Book selection and acquisition: Selected lists of books are procured from all HOD’s of respective department, thereafter lists of books are sent to authorized medical booksellers for quotation and books are selected for latest editions and lowest rates and forwarded to Purchase office to place order. After receiving the books the technical services of accessioning, cataloguing, classification are being carried out.
2. Periodicals/Journals Subscription: Every year advance payment of annual subscription is to be done as per the requirement list of all departments.
3. Maintenance services: All books and journals are maintained properly for maximum use. All loose periodicals and books are taken for binding at regular intervals after weeding off of mutilated/obsolete books and journals.
4. Readers services: Reference services, circulation work such as registration of members, issue of Library cards, issue and return of books, issue of book bank books, renewal of books, reservation of books, charging of over dues, issue of reminders, replacement of lost books, issue of no dues certificate to members, maintenance of record, maintenance of statistics, and other miscellaneous services are provided.