Goa Medical College And Hospital


Dr.Chitra Juwarkar


The anaesthesiologist monitors and controls the patient’s vital life functions, such as heart rate and rhythm, breathing, blood pressure, temperature, and body fluid balance. In order to ensure a safe and successful surgery, control the patient’s pain and level of consciousness.


Academic Qualification

MBBS, MD Anaesthesiology


Present Designation & Date of Joining

Associate Professor, 08/06/2012


Books Published

Comprehensive Clinical Anaesthesia, chapter Sepsis in Anaesthesia

Research Publications



  • Juwarkar C, Bharne S. Anesthetic management of a parturient with uncorrected tetralogy of fallot for cesarean section. Anesthesia: Essays and Res.2012 ;6:24
  • Juwarkar C, Ghoshal P, John A. Mishap due to error in labeling-word of caution. Indian J Anaesth 2014[May-Jun];58(3):369-70.
  • Juwarkar C. Cleaning and Sterilisation of Anaesthetic Equipment.Indian J Anaesth 2013 ; 57(5): 541-550.



  • Juwarkar S, Juwarkar C. Management of a patient with Huntington’s disease under spinal anaesthesia. Indian J Anaesth 2010[ May-Jun]; 54(3): 263-264.
  • Juwarkar C, Kamble D, Sawant V. A Late presenting congenital diaphragmatic hernia mis diagnosed as spontaneous pneumothorax. Indian J Anaesth 2010 [Sep-Oct];54(5): 464-466.
  • Juwarkar C, Misquita L, Shetty G. Management of a case of twin pregnancy with anaemia with arteriovenous malformation in impending cardiac failure for emergency caesarean. Indian J Anaesth 2007; 51(1):53-56.
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