Goa Medical College And Hospital


Dr. Sharmila Borkar


+91 9922851257


The anaesthesiologist monitors and controls the patient’s vital life functions, such as heart rate and rhythm, breathing, blood pressure, temperature, and body fluid balance. In order to ensure a safe and successful surgery, control the patient’s pain and level of consciousness.

Academic Qualifications


Present Designation & Date of Joining

Associate Professor, 11/07/2013

Research Publications


Sureshan R, Borkar S, Phadte V.A comparative study of 2mg, 4 mg Intravenous Ondansetron and 2% Lignocaine Hydrochloride Pre-treatment to Alleviate Pain of Propofol Injection. Hamdan Med J 2020[Jan-March];13(1):32-5.


Borkar S, Sureshan R, Gowler V, Pai A. Blood conservative strategies during surgery.SSRG International Journal of medical science (SSRG – IJMS) 2018 [August];58; issue 1.


Parkar N, Borkar S. Comparative study of Diltiazem versus lignocaine for attenuation of pressor response during laryngoscopy and Endotracheal intubation. J. Evolution Med. Dent. Sci 2018[June 25]; 7 (26). 2982-2988.


Borkar S, Kamble D , Gowler V. Avascular necrosis of left Hip joint secondary to sickle cell anaemia for hip arthroplasty. Indian J Anaesth.2015; 59:682-683.

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