Goa Medical College And Hospital


Library opens up windows to the world and inspires us to explore and achieve!

Librarians are considered to be the heart of an Education institute. They primarily exist to provide information to the learners.

The Goa Medical College is built on an area of 4000 sq. meters with six floors, having 550 seating capacity. It is opened from 8 am to 8 pm to the readers.

Terraces at various levels expand the internal volumes visually into landscape, thereby making reading in the library, so much more comfortable and pleasurable.

Each level is provided with mezzanine level to maximize stacking area. Each mezzanine is so designed, that books are easily within reach.

The Goa Medical College Library is having around 30000 books and it subscribes to around 200 subject journals annually, hard copies as well as e-journals. Around 15000 back volumes are there in the library. The library also has around 500 to 1000 thesis and dissertations.

A Special Faculty Section for the faculty readers is there. A Reference Section with latest copies of books is made available to the readers. A Computer Section with Internet facility is made available to students and doctors. The library is also having Xerox facility, which is available between 9am to 5pm.  A Reading Room, which is fully Air-conditioned and opened 24/7, having 85 seating capacity is available in the library building.

Finally the library provides all the facilities and takes care of all safety, a student and doctor require in the Library.

Now, with regard to the library staff, they are very helpful and co-operative towards the readers in the library. It is because of the Library Attendants and the Library M.T.S., that the library books, journals are cleaned and maintained in proper order. They too are very helpful towards the library readers and welcome them with a smile. We cannot forget the in-charge of Library Dr. P. V. Rataboli, who is always approachable and helpful. Our Dean, Dr. S. M. Bandekar, always stands by us and provides the library with the best of facilities.

All this makes the Library environment a very pleasurable place to be in.

  • Librarian

Mrs. Angela Franco

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