Goa Medical College And Hospital


Advanced Technology

Great Infrastructure

24/7 Availability

Best Healthcare Professionals


Department of Nephrology is a recognized teaching center for the training of Post Graduate DM Nephrology Students. It is one of the earliest established centers as a tertiary center for referral facilities, for the state of Goa and places of Maharashtra and Karnataka. The department focuses on providing clinical services, teaching and research.

Department of Nephrology has two dedicated wards with 45 beds,

Nephrology ward – 28 beds, 2 CAPD isolation rooms & 2 Isolation rooms for transplant.
Dialysis Unit – 15 beds for Hemodialysis and 2 Isolation rooms for Kidney Transplant cases.
Department of Nephrology conducts OPDs (out patient department clinics) three times a week with specialty clinics & Transplant clinics.

It attends to all Nephrology emergencies and interdepartmental references 24×7.

Patients get aces to all special screening under one roof which includes treating OPD patients, patients, critical care of Nephrology, Acute Kidney Injuries, Chronic Kidney Disease and performing all Nephrology related procedures, such as Kidney Biospy, central Venous Catheters both temporary and tunnel, Hemodialysis, Peritoneal Dialysis both Acute and CAPD, Fistuloplasty and AV Fistula.

Vision and Mission

  • Increase the number of DM Nephrology Seats.
  • Extend the number of Transplant Cases.
  • Increase Research work in the Department of Nephrology.


Dr. Jai P Tiwari

Professor & Head

Dr. Shital Lengade

Assistant Professor

Dr. Joseema Colaco


Teaching Staff
Non Teaching Staff

Contact Details

  • AProf & HOD - 2495003
  • Aobst/gynecology(OPD-24) - 2495324


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