Goa Medical College And Hospital


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Best Healthcare Professionals


The Department of Orthopedic Surgery has witnessed major advances in the last two decade in the management of various Orthopedic conditions. This has been possible due to the super specialization of the various consultants in their respective areas of interest such as Complex Trauma Management, Arthroplasty, Arthroscopy ,Tertiary Spinal injury management and Deformity Corrections, , Illizarov etc.


  1. Digitalization of day to day patient’s information with help of Goa/National informatics Centre at inpatient & outpatient level will be made effective.
  2. Proposal of cloud based information available to patient anywhere in world with proper digital personal security will be worked out and made available for the department.
  3.  Special trauma ward with high dependency unit will be put in place for a state of art management of orthopaedic and polytrauma patients. A special  team of para medicines and nursing  staff will also be put  in place for post operative patient care.
  4. A unit for management of special injuries and rehabilitation is being proposed and put in place with help of AIIMS or  Apex trauma centre New Delhi.
  5. Creation of State of the art infrastructure for Undergraduate and Postgraduate students for Conducting Clinics and presentation of research papers and clinical discussions using latest Digital Infrastructure.

    Few additional super specialties will be created and added such as


    • Robotic surgeries including Navigation
    • Pediatric Orthopedics Surgery
    • Geriatric Orthopedics Surgery


    • Foot and Ankle surgery
    • Orthopedic Oncology
    • Small Joint Arthroplasty
    • Advanced Hands Surgery

    Faculty of Orthopedic Department

    Dr. Shivanand Bandekar

     Professor and Head

    Dr. Milind Deshpande

    Associate Professor

    Dr. Zelio D’mello

    Associate Professor

    Dr. Gauresh Vargaonkar

    Assistant Professor

    Dr. Kunal Fadte


    Dr. Charan Phayade


    Teaching Staff
    Non Teaching Staff

    Contact Details

    • AProf & HOD - 0832 2495014
    • AOffice - 0832 2495074


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