Borrowing facility and rules related to borrowing of Books and Journals
- For Undergraduate students two library card will be issued to borrow books and for other members two library cards will be issued to borrow books/journals. Only one book/journal will be issued against each library card for the period of seven days. No book/journal will be issued by proxy.
- Renewal of book/journal for a period of further seven days can be done if there is no claim/demand for the same.
- Every reader using the library shall be responsible for the safe custody and return of book/journal in undamaged manner. He/she should verify and bring to the notice of the concern staff , if the book/journal is damaged /mutilated before getting it issued. In the event its being mutilated/lost he/she has to replace the book/journal or pay one and half times the cost of the book or the prevailing price of the latest edition.
- Books from the special collection Reference books, Theses and Non-book material like CDs etc are not to be issued outside the library premises.
- Fine of Rs.1/- and Rs.5/- per day, after seven days for the book and the journal respectively shall be levied to all the readers as over dues.
- Lost Library card will be replaced by duplicate card only on payment of Rs. 25/- per card and the justification letter for the loss of the same.
- If the book/journal is not returned within fifteen days of the date, notice will be served.
- If the member loses a single issue of the journal, he/she has to replace the journal or pay prevailing price of the complete volume.
- Books and reading material borrowed by any reader  may be recalled by the librarian at any time.
- All members/users who leave GMC shall have to return all their borrowings and cards to procure No Dues Certificate from the library in order to enable the authorities to settle their dues.
General Rules
- Only bonafide students and staff of Goa Medical College will be allowed to enter the library, others will have to take permissions. All students who visit to the library must show their identity card to the security staff at the entrance of the library every time.
Without the identity card, entry to the library will not be permitted.
- Every reader/user entering the library should enter his/her name and other details in entry register maintained at the counter.
- Every reader/user entering the library should deposit their belongings at the property counter. No bags, brief cases, handbags, parcels, aprons or other material should bring inside the library. Such bags, brief cases, handbags etc. may be left in the property counter provided in the library. Users are advised not to keep their valuable things in the property counter. The library accepts no responsibility for the loss or damage of any articles so left.
- Books Periodicals etc. taken from the shelves and used in the library should be left on the tables after use and NOT to be replaced on the shelves.
- Tearing, disfiguring and writing on the books/journals is strictly prohibited. All books/periodicals and other materials are to be used with care. No user shall deface the library books by underlining or scribbling to protect library books against damages, mutilation, theft and other malpractices.
- Reading room facility extended to all the members.
- Loud talking, conversation, sleeping, moving of furniture, smoking, eating, drinking etc. are strictly prohibited in the library. Proper decorum is to be maintained in the library.
- The books, notes etc. used to reserve seats will be removed by the library staff. The library is not responsible for the loss of books, notes and other materials.
- A member shall intimate if there is a change in his/her address if any.
- Loss or damage to library materials on loan to a user should be reported immediately. The user must pay the cost of replacing a lost or seriously damages book or other item, in addition to that he has to pay the fine.
- All users leaving the library must show all books, folders, papers, etc. in their possession whether these belong to the library or not. Users may also be required to open for inspection any material carried out of the library. Users shall note that the attendant at the counter is authorized to examine everything that passes in and out of the library.
- The lending counter shall be closed ten minutes before the closing time of the library.
- Readers are requested to stand in queue during rush hours.
- Mobile phones are not allowed to use inside the library.
- Silence shall be observed in the library.
- Members visiting the library shall be bound by all the library rule, procedures and practices in force from time to time.